Logistics automation and diagnostic software

LOGISTICS AUTOMATION AND DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE The software solution allows you to identify, diagnose, and solve problems while processing large-scale logistics operations, more than a million per day, such as: sorting, scanning, or sizing equipment, and so on. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEERPLOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAINSAP Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Product company from the USA that specializes in software […]

Zfone CROSS-PLATFORM ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE FOR VOIP TELEPHONY MANUFACTURING Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Zfone is software that ensures the security of voice traffic passing through a digital audio link. The application detects when a call starts, initiates a cryptographic key agreement between the two parties, then continues to encrypt and decrypt the voice packets during the […]
MPM Solution

MPM Solution SOFTWARE FOR MONITORING THE SERVICES OF NETWORK IP COMMUNICATIONS OPERATORS MANUFACTURING Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION A comprehensive solution for monitoring and analyzing the multiprotocol environment of network communications operators. BUSINESS GOAL Analysis of a multiprotocol environment to ensure great customer experience and speed troubleshooting: VoIP (Call & Media), SS7 (ISUP), Mobile Broadband (CDMA, […]

Recargapay MOBILE TOP-UP APPLICATION MANUFACTURING Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION RecargaPay is a Windows Phone application for recharging mobile accounts of the leading mobile operators in Brazil and Latin America. BUSINESS GOAL Since the Android and iOS versions have been already implemented, the main task was to develop the same application for Windows Phone 8 and […]
ScanWord Pro

ScanWord Pro APPLICATION FOR GENERATING CROSSWORD PUZZLES EDUCATION, ENTERTAINMENT AND MEDIA Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION ScanWord Pro was designed as a tool for a crossword publishing company. BUSINESS GOAL Automation of crossword puzzle generation by an application for Windows XP (SP2-SP3), which works with WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and has a convenient user interface. FEATURES […]

SPC MANUFACTURING PROCESS ANALYSIS SOFTWARE MANUFACTURING Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION An application for modeling production infrastructure and analyzing manufacturing processes in real-time – from ore mining to loading it onto ships at port. BUSINESS GOAL The development of SPC was ordered by a leading international mining group. The application is aimed at improving the efficiency […]
Public Transport Application

Public Transport Application APPLICATION FOR DISPLAYING PUBLIC TRANSPORT SCHEDULE LOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAIN Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Porting of the application for displaying public transport schedule to Raspberry Pi. BUSINESS GOAL The client-server application to inform citizens about the schedule of public transport in real time has already been developed. Both parts of the application, […]
Bluetooth Keyboard Drivers

Bluetooth Keyboard Drivers PORTABLE BLUETOOTH KEYBOARD DRIVERS MANUFACTURING Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Portable Bluetooth keyboard drivers designed for a company that manufactures accessories for mobile devices. BUSINESS GOAL Ensuring the Bluetooth keyboard compatibility with mobile devices that are running popular operating systems. FEATURES Support for English, German and Korean. Compatibility with Windows Mobile, Symbian, and […]
Hire Tester website

Hire Tester website HIRETESTER WEBSITE REDESIGN MANUFACTURING Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Website redesigned for a company providing testing and QA services. BUSINESS GOAL Creating an original design that matches the new corporate style of the company. Making a new landing page structure. FEATURES Integration of a new design on a WordPress template. Original graphics and […]
Legal Alarm

Legal Alarm SERVICE FOR EMERGENCY LAWYER ASSISTANCE EDUCATION, ENTERTAINMENT AND MEDIA Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Legal Alarm is an application for an emergency call to a lawyer with one button click. It can be helpful in case of a sudden search, detention, interrogation or other situations when law assistance is necessary. BUSINESS GOAL A solution […]