Public Transport Application

Public Transport Application APPLICATION FOR DISPLAYING PUBLIC TRANSPORT SCHEDULE LOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAIN Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Porting of the application for displaying public transport schedule to Raspberry Pi. BUSINESS GOAL The client-server application to inform citizens about the schedule of public transport in real time has already been developed. Both parts of the application, […]

Delivery Service

Delivery Service DELIVERY SERVICE APPLICATION LOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAIN Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application to search for and request a courier, and payment for delivery services. BUSINESS GOAL Better control over delivery process for faster, improved service. Convenient user interface for making delivery orders. FEATURES Mobile applications for couriers and clients (Android/iOS), and a website […]

Taxi Service

Taxi Service A MOBILE APP FOR TAXI SERVICE – SEARCH, BOOKING, AND PAYMENT LOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAIN Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION A mobile service for taxi search, calling and payment in the form of applications for drivers and passengers. BUSINESS GOAL One-click taxi calling instead of phone calls. Simplification of taxi search, calling, and payment […]


Comocom PACKAGED SOLUTION FOR COLLECTING INFORMATION AND CREATING SALES ANALYSIS REPORTS LOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAIN Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION The solution processes huge amounts of input data from various channels in different formats, structures them using selected algorithms, generates reports and displays info for end users. BUSINESS GOAL Automation of interactions with customers to increase sales level. […]

Logistics automation and diagnostic software

LOGISTICS AUTOMATION AND DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE The software solution allows you to identify, diagnose, and solve problems while processing large-scale logistics operations, more than a million per day, such as: sorting, scanning, or sizing equipment, and so on. ERPLOGISTIC & SUPPLY CHAINSAP Scroll down PROJECT DESCRIPTION Product company from the USA that specializes in software for […]