AI managment system
A universal system designed to solve a range of tasks in project management, decision-making, and company resource management
A universal system designed to solve a range of tasks in project management, decision-making, and company resource management
A universal system designed to solve a range of tasks in project management, decision-making, and company resource management. The system aims to integrate with external project management services, hiring systems, sales systems, and more. It facilitates interaction with various external users without them directly operating the system. It can learn based on the company’s context and use files in various formats (such as doc, pdf, mp4, pptx, etc.), which have different structures. Web structures can also serve as a foundation. The system also protects personal data and includes behavioral models that correspond to the level of real technical experts. For precise analysis, it can use confirmation from several AI assistants.
Small and medium businesses, outsourcing teams, recruiting agencies, etc.
IT and Development Manager
Director of Engineering, Data and Engines
British American Tobacco
Nova Solutions LLC
Chief Executive Officer
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